The economy may be recovering, but that doesn’t mean that competition for distributors and logistics providers is any less fierce. For managers, this means it’s important to always be on the lookout for new ways to cross and up sell to each and every client. Of course, with dynamic field teams that are constantly on the move, amplifying opportunities isn’t always easy. That’s where mobile applications come in. for businesses wanting to make the most of every opportunity, as well as create their own, mobilization is a must. Here’s how it can help your business:
Offer a multi-faceted service
For clients, centralizing service providers is a guaranteed way to cut administration costs and score better deals. This means most managers are generally open to adding on extra services. With mobile apps at their fingertips, distributors and logistics providers will be able to offer clients an up to the minute overview of exactly what’s available.
Use real time data to develop offers
By integrating mobile apps into your operations you’ll be able to gain up to the minute insight into sales figures, performance, excess stock, slow periods and so on. You can then use this data to develop exclusive offers, discounts and add-on deals based on the current state of your business. Once developed, field employees will be able to access the latest offers from anywhere, at any time. This means you’ll never miss an opportunity to cross or up sell.
See what’s working, and what’s not
Often businesses try a variety of different approaches when it comes to cross and up selling to clients. By processing data through a mobile app you’ll be able to get a ‘big picture’ look at what’s working, and what’s not. You can then enhance winning techniques, and can unsuccessful strategies.
Exceptional customer service
Plain and simple, customers that have good experiences are far more susceptible to cross or up sell opportunities. This means that at every stage of your operations, customer service should be paramount. Mobile apps can be used to refine your client contact strategy, and ensure each and every customer is receiving stellar service.
For more information on how mobile apps can take your cross and up selling strategy to the next level, get in touch with one of our expert customer service agents. They’ll take you through how your IT department can benefit from an advanced enterprise mobility platform, and why bespoke is always better for your business.