How oil and gas mobile apps improve workflows

Technology has always played a significant role in the oil industry. However, the advances in technology are becoming more sophisticated day by day. Oil and gas business need to thus broaden their strategies to inculcate new technology into workflows for greater efficiency.

But, the question remains, what are all the processes where mobile apps could provide the opportunity to drastically enhance the proficiency? Let’s check out.

Increasing Uptime

In today’s expensive world, nobody requires assets that are down due to unscheduled maintenance and repairs. Mobile tools can help in real-time data capture and data sharing.

For minimizing downtime, field workers must be able to respond to issues instantly. The technology can use location information to send the closest personnel to take care of the complications. A mobile app can also detect maintenance repairs that are needed in the vicinity and notify the maintenance person about it.

To maximize uptime, mobile apps can help in core workflows such as:

  1. SCADA Alarm Monitoring and Response
  2. Predictive Monitoring and Preventative Maintenance

Optimization of Operating Assets

Working away from the desk is common in this industry. Thus, it can be difficult to keep up-to-date with the jobs and processes. Mobile apps can keep the personnel connected to the process even when they are on the move.

Mobile tools offer real-time visibility into the field operations so that an individual can make wise decisions to optimize operations.

Enterprise mobility offers features like:

  1. Routine Review of SCADA and historical data
  2. Executive Review of Production Accounting Dashboards

Improving Health & Safety of Employees

Health, safety, and environment are important issues to be taken care of in the oil and gas industry. Mobile tools can warn field technicians when they are entering a hot-work zone.

Managers at the desk can continuously track the status of technicians in the hot work zone and can thus avoid unfortunate accidents.

Mobile devices can provide training updates and safety techniques to personnel on a regular basis. Such safety briefs can assist in preventing mishaps

Addressing Operational Complications

With video and audio chat features in the mobile app, senior employees can interact with field operators to solve issues and resolve complications. Experienced personnel can effectively be at various fields all at once from their desks.

With technical documentation, specific data related to equipment, and database of materials being handy in mobile, the technician can perform his tasks more efficiently and effectively than before.

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