Keeping pace with offshore barriers in oil and gas industry

Offshore oil and gas exploration continues to expand at a rapid pace by taking advantage of new technologies and equipment. As offshore rigs, ships, floating storage, and offload facilities multiply, the need for coordination between offshore vessels and onshore facilities increases greatly.

The challenges of working offshore in oil and gas industry!

Offshore operations are generally found in the most remote locations on the planet. Some of the conditions to expect are the harsh environments, extreme temperatures, corrosive salt water, continuous vibration, and flow of dust and dirt!

Trends like rugged surroundings, unpredictable weather conditions, and higher security risks highly increase the demand for the capacity of offshore communications. Yet, the targets remain the same – high production, less downtime, worker safety and security, and above all exceeding customer expectations!

Integrating operations signifies a breakthrough in the oil and gas industry. It calls for reliable, constant connectivity and the ability to be virtually present on a rig from any location in the world. Such a connectivity allows the offshore workforce communicate with experienced professionals and access data from multiple locations, thus mitigating risks in decision-making.

A lack of a solid remote GEO network!

The key to overcoming these obstacles is having a sound and secure wireless networking infrastructure!

A wireless communication network helps eliminate and overcome some of these problems. It is a modern solution to monitor and control operations, both offshore and onshore.

However, there are many downfalls associated with a wireless offshore network which cannot be ignored.

  • Even the most industrial-grade wireless networks cannot work well under offshore conditions where all assets are constantly in motion.
  • It cannot easily cope up with the harsh weather conditions and extreme situations of the remote locations of offshore sites.
  • The absence of line-of-sight to an antenna on a rig is usually lost from a boat. In such conditions, the connectivity is lost too.
  • The installation of such wireless networks can be quite of a daunting task.

Thus, the productivity of oil and gas industries is decreasing and the logistics are becoming quite an issue.

Overcoming the obstacles in a proficient manner with appsFreedom!

Why invest heavily in inefficient hardware solutions which demand huge infrastructure expenditure when you can enable your application to work offline the way it works online?

With appsFreedom, streamline your offshore operations effortlessly and efficiently. With the offline mode and features of appsFreedom’s mobile applications, work in the remotest of the locations, with the greatest of the weather extremities!

appsFreedom offers a unified online experience even when you are offline. The out-of-the-box user-friendly offline capabilities deliver seamless integration to all the backend systems. Overall, ensure rapid development both offshore and onshore with appsFreedom!

With appsFreedom, enable high availability, scalability, complete security, and real-time data to enhance productivity and profitability!

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